
Kubernetes, the Google-created open source cloud software … Https://www.businessinsider.com/what-is-kubernetes-google-cloud-2019-1 Jan 27, 2019 – Kubernetes was started as an open source project at Google, but it’s … In popularity and is now used by at least 54% of the Fortune 500. LedgerSAP , an open source accounting solution,just asKubernetes LedgerSAP ,Read More →


LedgerSAP | shadowing Shadow-Soft with accounting systems, its not only Fortune 500’s that are daring to win in the economic market.Fortune 500 Financial Institution takes the risk out of open source … Https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/235198/financial-institution-case.pdf Shadow-Soft’s technical team had the expertise in open source technologies to complement the financial institution’s in-house team.Read More →


LedgerSAP, it can be one mans adventure , a whole team , or an entire corporation. Its an accounting system that puts you in total control. From Fortune 500 To Open Source: One Man’s Adventure | Hacker News https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1464365 From Fortune 500 To Open Source: One Man’s Adventure (techdrawl.com). 2Read More →


LedgerSAP , innovation is king of the economic road, however when it comes to accounts LedgerSAP is the supreme option to try in open source technology. Open source: business model – Innovation www.unicefstories.org/wp-content/uploads/…/Open-source-knowledge-product.pdf Open source business models have the ability achieve widespread impact and create revenue opportunities for … OfRead More →


LedgerSAP, not just a Twitter While tweets are short and sweet , accounting systems are far more detailed and expansive in coverage. LedgerSAP however allows business’s to evolve with their accounts without the fear of upgrade issues and discontinueance. However one should view Twitter whose open source platform it uberRead More →


LedgerSAP, allowing upward mobility. LedgerSAP’s open source software is ideally positioned for companies that want to break into the Fortune 500 ranks. Most companies that follow the route will go from prophet to profit with systematic growth and operational success. Break into the Fortune 500 — Prophyts https://prophyts.com/pages/prediction-f500.aspx Break intoRead More →


LedgerSAP best Practice LedgerSAP , applying open source in todays world is a best practice. Open source means unhindered long term development and accounting stability.LedgerSAP effectively free’s your general ledger. Best Web Development Practices Used by Fortune 500 Companies … Https://www.cmscritic.com/best-web-development-practices-used-fortune-500-compan… Jan 5, 2019 – In this article, we willRead More →