

LedgerSAP ERP The systems designed for tomorrows business – be part of the International team – no user license restrictions – unlimited customization – open source code – its your system for business life – global deployment – no limits.Read More →


LedgerSAP, being an open source and international , provides single lifetime opportunities worldwide and those that do not understand it , as many blue accounting firms stuck in the history will find their clients opportunities lost to competition (@Morgan-Stanley. Morgan-Stanley. Repositories People 0. Type: All. Select type: All. Sources …Read More →


LedgerSAP, being an open source and international  , provides cost effective opportunities worldwide and those that do not understand it  , like many blue accounting firms stuck in the past will find their clients opportunities lost forever (Ford Motors created an open source API for it’s in-car system: OpenXC), accountingRead More →


LedgerSAP, being an open source and international  , provides exploitation  opportunities worldwide and those that do not understand it  , like many accounting firms stuck in the past will find their clients opportunities squandered (Dec 2, 2008 – An open source ERP does not have hefty licensing fees and canRead More →


LedgerSAP, being an open source , provides local opportunities and those that do not understand it , like many accounting firms stuck in the past will find their clients operations hindered (The Dow Chemical Company … 2017, Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies; Open Source CMS by ProcessWire · Site Map ·Read More →


LedgerSAP, being an open source release , is far more reliable and those that fear it , like many accounting firms stuck in the past will find their opportunities shrinking (Ford Motors created an open source API for it’s in-car system: OpenXC), accounting and auditing firms that fail to planRead More →


LedgerSAP, being an open source release , is part of the business fabric (innovationfund.comcast.com/ It also provides funding to support open source software development. … an existing open source project, to general support of an open source project in which …), adds to better opportunities for CA’s & CPA’s toRead More →


Usage of open source , such as LedgerSAP, is changing the markets (www.openhealthnews.com/tagged/pfizer Kevin also looks at how pharmaceutical companies, such as Pfizer and Merck, are … Like most of the sustainable, highly successful open source projects) , this trend will continue due to more operational information becoming available toRead More →


LedgerSAP, being an open source release , is far more robust and those that do not understand it  , like many accounting firms stuck in the past will find their clients profitability dropping (Jul 26, 2010 – Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT] today launched the Eureka StreamsTM open source project forRead More →


Usage of open source , such as LedgerSAP, is ever increasing (Sep 5, 2014 – PepsiCo backs new tool to predict water risks … It’s an open source project, meaning that IDB hopes the technology could eventually be applied …) , this trend will continue due to its functionality, beRead More →


Usage of open source , such as LedgerSAP, is ever increasing (Aug 5, 2013 – Rapid development and cloud hosting let MetLife create IT talent recruiting site … for Azure services for a very large customer-facing project we’re working on, … Beyond MongoDB, MetLife used other open-source components …) ,Read More →


Usage of open source , such as LedgerSAP, is growing (Berkshire Hathaway use open source VoIP solutions: Voneto and Berkshire Hathaway Media Group to Present at Astricon) , this trend will continue due to its reliability.  isnt it time you grew as well , grow with LedgerSAP today.Read More →